Forge Development Partners, Bridge Investment Group and the Danna Foundation invite you to a free Youth and Family Fun Day on Saturday, October 5 from 12 to 3 p.m. at Boeddeker Park at 246 Eddy Street in the Tenderloin.
Enjoy lawn games, activities for children, a bounce house, live music and refreshments, and get an up close look at a fire engine thanks to the San Francisco Fire Department. Forge and Bridge look forward to meeting our new neighbors as we work to bring new workforce housing at 361 Turk and 145 Leavenworth.
As part of the day, Forge, Bridge and the Danna Foundation are teaming up with the Tenderloin Community Benefit District and the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco to make life just a little bit easier for the homeless by stuffing backpacks filled with daily necessities like reusable water bottles, toiletries, socks and other items.
These will be provided to Tenderloin nonprofits including Compass Family Services, Larkin Street Youth Services, Code Tenderloin and Care Through Touch Institute for distribution to the homeless.

The Daana Foundation:
We Got Your Back Campaign

The homeless population is in a crisis in our society. The Daana Foundation believes that how a society treats the least among us is a reflection on all of us. With that said, homelessness is a complex problem and the solutions required to fix it require revamping our views and programs revolving around mental health, addiction, affordable housing, and public services. In the meantime, we at Danna are trying to make life just a little easier for those living on
the streets.
The We Got Your Back Campaign came out of an experience one of our founder’s, Anna Rollins-Stanger, had several years ago. She noticed a homeless woman struggling to manage her belongings, mostly in a plastic garbage bag. Things were falling out and she could see the woman becoming frustrated. Imagine having to keep all of the things you depend on for your life with you at all times. It truly would be a challenge. Anna quickly ran to a department store, purchased a backpack and some necessities and went back to the area where she saw the woman.
It took some time to find the woman again, but when Anna found her and gave her the backpack, the woman threw her arms around her, thanking her for her kindness. It was a small act of kindness that truly had an amazing impact on this homeless woman.
The We Got Your Back Campaign provides backpacks with some necessities, water, toothbrush, socks, etc., to the homeless population. Our hope is to see this campaign continue to grow throughout the country providing just a little comfort to those on the streets.